In the years 1950-1970 Thurstan College produced many artists who were
masters in the fields of language music, art ,literature, drama and dancing.
The first "Kala Ulela" went on stage in 1971 under the guidance of the principal late Mr.S
Pandithasekera. This year was also the year that the Sinhala literary association was formed
at present the Thurstan College Sinhala literary association is one of the main societies in
the college and has come a long way with the guidance from former principals and the staff
The Thurstan college Sinhala literary association is known to produce one of the best "Kalal
Ulela" in the island
The recent "Kala Ulela"'s went on stage in the year 2002 and 2003.The "Kala Ulela" includes
dramas, musical events and competitions like literature, drama art among Sri Lankan Schools.